Martabak Manis (Indonesian Style Thick Pancake) with Ovomaltine

  • 5 cups all purpose flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 2 cups water or as needed
  • 2 tbsp instant yeast
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp sugar
Spread and topping:
  • 2 to 3 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp salted butter or margarine
  • classic choices: condense milk, chocolate granules (meises), roasted peanuts, roasted sesame seeds, cheddar cheese, banana
  1. Combine the water, coconut milk, salt, sugar, and instant yeast in a large bowl, set aside
  2. In another bowl combine the flour, baking soda, and baking powder, mix well
  3. Add the egg into the water mixture, following by the flour mixture
  4. Let the batter rest for at least an hour
  5. Grease the cast iron pan with a little bit of butter, pour the batter in low heat, with the lid on
  6. When it's half cooked, add the sugar (topping), cook for another minute until done
  7. Once it's done, transfer immediately onto a cutting board. Spread the butter, add topping of your choice, fold the martabak, spread tiny amount of butter on top, and cut

When you ordering Martabak from street food stall you can choose one topping or combination of two until three toppings. Nutella, Toblerone, Oreo, KitKat, and any other sweet snack became popular lately as topping for Martabak. I made mine with Ovomaltine, but I skipped the condense milk because I don't want mine to be over sweet, well actually I hate condense milk.

Note: It's a large batch, made about two large Martabak, so hmm maybe you want to make just half of it by cutting all ingredients amount in two.

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  1. hi! thank you for the recipe, but is it okay to not add coconut milk? thankyou

    1. well I think it will work with only water but the coconut milk really brings out the flavor

  2. Is it okay to not add the yeast? I don't where to find yeast in Indonesia

    1. instant yeast = ragi instant, banyak dijual di supermarket atau toko bahan kue

  3. Kak, takaran 1cup itu segimana ya? Aku bingung.. hehehe

  4. Hai, cuma mau sharing. Saya juga sering coba resep-resep pakai Ovomaltine. Emang enak bgt selai ini! Crunchy dan coklatnya juga enak banget. Waktu itu beli di sih. Awalnya agak ragu karena website baru. Tp ternyata ok kok, cepet sampe, soalnya online store lokal (Indonesia) ternyata. Recommended for online shopper :) Semoga info dari saya bermanfaat :)

  5. Buat yang penasaran dengan rasa Mie Samyang, Nestea Thai Tea, Ovomaltine bisa beli di toko kita di :

    Happy Shopping ^^ maaf numpang iklan, hanya menginfokan sekiranya penasaran ingin coba rasanya, trimakasih :)

  6. hai kak, aku udah cobain resep ini dan ternyata hasilnya enak.
    dan keluarga ku ketagihan. thanks ya kak. jadi pengen cobain resep kakak yg lain.

  7. The martabak manis (sweet Indonesian pancake) is a warm, chewy and soft sweet. This is a very popular sweet treat in Indonesia. Every one loves Martabak Manis, a very thick pancake with the traditional filling are chocolate sprinkle, crush peanut, sesame seed, condense milk combine in one or cheese and condense milk. If you want try the traditional one, than you can sprinkle the chocolate sprinkle. If you don't have the Martabak Manis Pan, than you also can use a very thick pan.
