Bakwan Pak Mul - Malang: The Best Bakso Experience

This was the best bakso experience I ever had in my life. So, this place Bakwan Pak Mul is famous among locals in Malang. Friends told me that if we want to eat this bakwan, we need to get hurry because his stuffs will last for only about 2 hours. They open at 2.30 pm everyday, the stall located at Taman Riau which is just actually just a small bakso cart with very few chairs and 2 tables beside the cart. 

The beginning of the epic moment (well at least for me). It was 3 pm when we got there. Just in few seconds when we parked our car, some other cars came in from different directions. To get a bowl of bakso you can't be a nice guy and wait to be served but grab your own bowl pick your meatballs and dumplings. If you're lucky enough you will get table. But surely you'll be give in your seat for those aggressive aunties. The situation was very hectic, Pak Mul was so busy because there were so many customers asked for take out and it was not one or two but in massive amount. OK now I got it, no wonder it will last in a very short time. In addition, just 30 minutes after our arrival, all those bakwan were gone!

You need to strive to get your bakwan! Or you'll get nothing.

The Meatballs
First impression, it's actually bigger than regular bakso. The bakso goreng is the bomb, sooo good! Though the bakwan was pretty tasty, but I prefer their bakso goreng. So far it was the most scrumptious bakwan I ever had in Malang but beware, my local friends said this bakwan contains pork so if you don't eat pork you may want to avoid coming here. I saw no sign here, unlike at Bakwan Subur that they clearly have a big sign that their bakso contains pork.

If you think that Pak Mul should move to a bigger place or make more batch of meatballs, we're not in the same line. This, what I called experience, it's memorable, a story that I've been told to some other friends.

Bakwan Pak Mul
Jalan Taman Riau
Malang - Jawa Timur

Opening Hours: around 2 pm until sold out (approximately 2-3 hours)


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  1. Rekomendasi wisata kuliner yang unik di kota Batu Malang :
    · Steak & Sate Kelinci
    · Jagung & Pisang Bakar
    · Aneka sambal & masakan tradisional khas Jawa lainnya.
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    Warung Khas Batu
    Jalan Sultan Agung 29, Batu, Jawa Timur 65314 (Jatim Park 1 - Museum Angkut)
    Tel / Fax : +62 341 592955
    HP/SMS/Whatsapp: +6285707585899
    BBM : 7D8DEB8C

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